Therapy for Accident Victims
Many of our clients have sustained injuries in car accidents, workplace accidents, or slip-and-fall-accidents. Sokoloff works to obtain monetary compensation for accident victims, of course, but we also often help our clients seek out the best kinds of treatment for their injuries as well as supports to make their lives easier. The following is a guide to some of the types of therapies that may benefit you, if you have sustained an injury.
Physical Therapy.
Physiotherapists or physical therapists (PTs) are regulated, evidence-based, primary health care professionals who aim to prevent, assess and treat the impact of injury, disease and/or disorders in movement and function. PTs work to promote optimal mobility; help improve physical activity and overall health and wellness; prevent disease, injury and disability; manage acute and chronic conditions; manage activity limitations and participation restrictions; improve and maintain optimal functional independence and physical performance; rehabilitate injury and the effects of disease or disability; and educate clients and plan maintenance and support programs to prevent reoccurrence, re-injury or functional decline. (Canadian Institute for Health Information.) Physiotherapy can be particularly useful for:
- Muscle injuries. You have muscles in almost every area of your body, and they’re critical to your ability to move and do the tasks you need to do. An accident often causes muscle injuries. Attorney personal injury, for example, often cause neck strain or whiplash injuries. Physical therapists use techniques like manual therapy to treat muscle injuries, using hands-on movements to stretch and massage muscles, and promote healing.
- Joint pain. Accidents can also cause hip, back, ankle, elbow, or wrist pain. Physiotherapists work to increase range of motion and to alleviate joint pain. They may use manual therapy or show you how to do stretching and strengthening exercises. Physiotherapists often provide you with a regimen of exercises to do at home every day.

Occupational Therapy.
- Occupational therapy is a type of health care that helps to solve the problems that interfere with a person’s ability to do the things that are important to them – everyday things like self-care (getting dressed, eating, moving around the house,) being productive (going to work or school, participating in the community,) and leisure activities such as sports, gardening, and social activities. (Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists) OTs:
- Help you overcome your disability. They may educate you about how to do things with the abilities you have, and they may also suggest activities that will help you to improve or maintain your abilities.
- Adapt the materials you use. OTs have knowledge about devices that can make everyday tasks easier. For example, an OT may recommend a special key holder that will make turning your door key easier, or an elevated toilet seat that will be easier for you to get up from. They may be able to help you get your vehicle modified or find devices that will help you continue to do leisure activities.
- Recommend changes to your environment. An OT may make recommendations about changing your home or your workplace to make tasks easier for you. For example, you may need to lower desktops, cupboards, or counters.
- Work with others to get you what you need. An OT may, for example, talk to your employer to explain your disability.
- Find supports for you. An OT may help you to request government funding for special equipment or set you up with a specialized public transportation account.
Psychological Therapy.
After an accident, you may understandably suffer psychological problems. A mental health professional can help you to eliminate or reduce symptoms and gain an understanding that can help you to get your life back on track. Psychological therapy can be provided by a psychologist or a psychiatrist. A psychologist is trained to assess and diagnose problems in thinking, feeling and behaviour as well to help people overcome or manage these problems. Psychologists help people to overcome or manage their problems using a variety of treatments or psychotherapies. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who go on to specialize in mental health and mental disorders. Psychiatrists often use medication to help their clients manage their mental disorders. Some psychiatrists also do psychotherapy, much like psychologists. (Canadian Psychological Association) Psychological therapists:
In case of such incidents, contact our personal injury attorney Toronto

- Assess your mental health. There are some mental health issues that commonly affect accident victims. These include PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,) anxiety, depression, and risky behaviour. Your psychological professional will assess your symptoms and help you to work through the issues. Some common areas of assessment will include sleeping patterns, ability to work, suicidal ideation, loss of appetite, loss of interest in hobbies or social activities, changes in behaviour and personality, and more.
- Treat symptoms. Your therapist may use cognitive behaviour therapy, group therapy, or medications. They may send you for further tests such as a neuropsychological examination, a head injury examination, or a head injury assessment